Core Idea
The extraction of the underlaying core principles and physics of acrobatic movements are at the core of the classes content.
The attempt to break down very complex movements into fundamental and accessible principles lead Lawrence to develop a movement vocabulary that is closely related to dance and contemporary floorwork.
Class Content
We are working on elaborating our physical capabilties and on adjusting our bodies and fine motor skills by diving into different topics such as weight distribution, working with momentum & gravity, risk evaluation, falling and rolling or inversions.
Throughout the course we develop a number of phrases as well as an expandable vocabulary that is centered around techniques deriving from different disciplines such as soft acrobatics, martial arts tricking and contemporary dance.
By integrating movement improvisation and playful exercises into our practice our goal is that participants explore new possibilites and get inspired by the endless pathways our kinetic bodies can pursue.
With guided creative exercises we want to promote individuality as well as the inherent artistry each student brings to the course.
By working with opposing movement qualities like strength & control VS. softness & fluidity we want to approach and explore the whole spectrum of movement and foster a